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Breakthrough help

We are in connection with Child Brain Fund assisting parents with brain injured children how to help and heal them Together with the help from

Family Hope Centre in America. Essentail oils is a very effective natural way of healing like the francinsense, myrr, cedarwood gives more oxygen to the brain and helps speeding up the healing of the brain cells. Further more smells are very important for Karliens memories and emotions that is the home kit consisting of oils like orange spearmint lavender eucaluptus and other oils. This can make a huge impact in Karlien healing process. What makes these oils special we can use it orally for Karlien also because she is on a ventelator and cannot smell, by using it orally the smell will go directly to her limbic system in her brain as if she smelled it! We would like to put it out there and ask for help to get these oils for her. Attached is the qoutation received.

Please your help will make a huge difference in her recovery and we will truely appreciate it. Thank you blessings

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